Tails of MSP
Tails of MSP

"Tails of MSP": a coffee table book featuring "tails" - beautiful portraits of our tailed counterparts, telling their tales, photographed in iconic and historic locations around the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area.

Order Your Book!
A limited number of extra books were ordered and available for purchase. Proceeds from the book benefit local rescues. Books make GREAT holiday gifts! Click the link below to email us and get your copy - now just $75 (regular price of $99).

Thank You!
The photography is complete, the stories have been written, the book is laid out and the cover voting has ended. It's been a busy year, but the fundraiser has been hugely successful! Collectively, we were able to raise just over $22,000 for our beneficiaries. This wouldn't have been possible without YOU.

"Tails of MSP Fundraiser
This fundraiser will include 100 sessions photographed in the MSP metro area. A variety of locations photographed throughout the seasons will showcase our city and it's 4-legged residents. A book will be published with each session featured on it's own page spread along with a "tale" about the pets as well as information about the location. Proceeds from all books sold will go to the project beneficiaries.
Pictured Above:
Bob Dylan Mural (5th Street and Hennepin Ave)
The vibrant Bob Dylan mural is the largest work of public art that world-renowned street artist Eduardo Kobra has created in the United States to date. It is also the most Instagrammed image in Minnesota. This five-story tribute to Bob Dylan was created in the fall of 2015 as a private commission.
News Interviews
Lisa joined Fox 9 News Saturday morning, March 5, to chat about the Tails of MSP fundraiser and how it works. If you didn't catch it live, you can click the photo to watch a replay.

The Timeline
"Tails of MSP" sessions will begin February 1, 2022 and run through September 2022 or until we have 100 sessions photographed. Books will then be laid out, proofed, printed and bound. The goal is to have books in hand before the 2022 holiday season, which would be perfect for gift-giving. Proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit the partner organizations.
Pictured Above
Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, Bloomington
Back when the old structure was the main crossing, heavy traffic delays would occur because of the bridge's small size and the need to operate the swing segment to let boat traffic pass.

The Beneficiaries
We are excited to partner with Save-A-Bull Rescue, Greyhound Pets of America-MN, UnbreakaBULL, and Twin Cities Pet Rescue. Each beneficiary will be assigned two separate months of the year. All sessions booked in these months will benefit that particular organization. Our schedule is:
- February: Save-A-Bull Rescue
- March: UnbreakaBULL
- April: Greyhound Pets of America-MN
- May: Twin Cities Pet Rescue
- June: Save-A-Bull Rescue
- July: UnbreakaBULL
- August: Twin Cities Pet Rescue
- September: Greyhound Pets of America-MN
- October: Depending upon printer turn-around times for the book, we may be able to accommodate October sessions.
Pictured Above:
Centennial Lakes Park
Centennial Lakes Park in Edina features a 10-acre lake that is groomed daily during the winter for ice skating. Spread out over three main ponds connected by narrow, meandering canals, the rink gives skaters a unique skating experience.

Session Details
Schedule your session directly with Tangerine House of Design. Your initial investment of $250 will include your pet's session, a $75 donation to the beneficiary, a 7x10 photographic print of your selected book image, and a copy of the finished book itself. Your session location can be chosen from a list we have compiled or you may suggest somewhere in the MSP metro area that has meaning to you.
You will schedule an initial phone consultation to discuss details of your desired location and who will be photographed. Your session time will be scheduled during this phone call. Sessions typically take place shortly after sunrise and later afternoon when the light is best for outdoor photography. Because sunrise and sunset times change throughout the year, we will look at these times when scheduling your session.
*Please note: if your location requires additional photography permit fees, you will be responsible for that fee.
Pictured Above:
Coon Rapids Dam
Coon Rapids Regional Park facilities feature a 1,070-foot concrete walkway with an elevated observation deck spanning the entire Mississippi River between Hennepin and Anoka Counties.

Your Session
For the safety of your pet and any people in the public space, all dogs will remain on leash in public locations. This means we will need an extra pair of hands to help with your session. Because this is a fundraiser and we are donating our time, Tangerine House of Design cannot furnish a dog handler. Please plan to bring additional help with your for your session:
- 1-2 dogs: Please have ONE person in addition to yourself to assist with your session.
- 3-4 dogs: Please have TWO people in addition to yourself along to assist with your session.
This is a great time to connect with friends scheduling sessions to help each other!
Pictured Above:
Pamela Park
Featured among Minneapolis' 180 park properties are 55 miles parkways, 102 miles of Grand Rounds biking and walking paths, 22 lakes, 12 formal gardens, seven golf courses and 49 recreation centers. Altogether, Minneapolis park properties receive about 26 million visits annually.

Viewing and Ordering Your Portraits
Approximately 1-2 weeks after your session you will come to the Tangerine studio in Minneapolis to view your images and select your favorite for inclusion in the book. This pose will also be made into an 7x10 print for you to enjoy. You will have the option to upgrade your print or order additional products. We will discuss these options during your initial phone consultation and will have samples in the studio for you to see. No additional orders are required to take part in the "Tails of MSP" fundraiser.
Pictured Above:
Saint Anthony Main, Minneapolis
This area was first discovered in the late 1600s by Father Louis Hennepin when he came across the falls, eventually giving them their name after his patron saint Anthony of Padua. This hidden gem is characterized by its cobblestone road and is the oldest portion of the city.

The History
Tangerine House of Design has been offering fundraising for area rescues for the past 17 years (the past ten years in Minnesota and seven years prior to that in Connecticut). All together, we've raised nearly $200,000 to support local rescues ($140,000 in MN and $60,000 in CT). We're pretty proud of this! We're on a mission to do even better in 2022. Thanks for your ongoing support for Tangerine House of Design and your local rescues.
Pictured Above:
Como Zoo and Conservatory
The stunning conservatory gardens include seasonal flower shows, tropical gardens, orchids, ferns, bonsai and a world renowned Japanese Garden.

Include the whole family! Interested in adding the full family into the session? No problem! After we're done with the pets alone, we can add an extra 30 minutes to your session to create beautiful images of your 2-legged and 4-legged family members together. A simple $100 session fee will be added to cover the extra time. Let us know during your consultation you would like this option.